Zed, thrashing in the bed: "Mom! Mom! Mawwwwwm!"
"I can't see!"
Mom, calmly knitting in the chair beside them: "That's because your eyes are closed, dear."
Zed, waking up: "I wanna go back! I was a butterfly! IT'S MY DESTINY TO FLY!"
Dad, patting them on the back: "You'll always be a pretty butterfly to me."
Zed, waking up in recovery. "Thank you for rescuing me. He wouldn't stop eating my toes."
Mouse: "Well that sounds like a really unpleasant dream!"
Zed, staring at me with wide eyes " 'S not a dream. He said my toes grow back like a lizard!... Crunchy like baby carrots..." *drifts off to sleep*
Mouse in a forced chipper voice: "That's super creepy! Let's get your parents round, yea?"
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