Kitty has an Operation

Poppa cat says it's time for an adventure. It's time to go visit the big city, see some sights, and stay overnight in a hotel.

Kitty thinks the hotel is magical. "It's so big, it goes on to forever!" kitty says to everyone who will listen. "The bed is as big as a car and and soft as a cloud!"

Poppa cat says kitty needs to go to bed early, because tomorrow is the Big Day. 

You see, kitty needs an operation. 

Kitty finds it hard to sleep. "But Poppa, what if they drop me while I can't move? What if my bed rolls and rolls and I end up in someone else's place and I get /their/ operation?!"

Poppa cat thinks, and says "I have an idea. Take your human with you. They can keep an eye and make sure the bed brakes are used. If you get lost, your human can run and tell us where to find you. How does that sound?"

Kitty thinks this is a great idea. Human is the bestest of all best friends. Human will be Kitty's bodyguard!

The next day finds Poppa, Kitty and human at the hospital. Its a big place, full of colours and pictures of all kinds of animals. Human says it doesn't look too scary here, and kitty agrees. They put kitty in a gown that's all scratchy and no one would let them have any breakfast.

It took forever... Human said kitty must have aged at least a year while they were waiting, Poppa says human is impatient. But finally, it's their turn. 

"Human has to stay with me, THE WHOLE Time - OK?!" Kitty says as they get wheeled into the sleeping room. Everyone nods. They smile a lot, wearing matching pyjamas and silly hats. Everyone gathers round kitty's bed and Poppa let's kitty squeeze his hand. "You can't let me sleep forever. I have school tomorrow!"

Kitty can't actually remember what happens next. But later, when the rooms stops spinning and the dreams stop coming, Human says that definitely no one stole Kitty or the bed.

Poppa says Kitty was brave. Kitty says you can't be brave while sleeping. Human says that they were the bestest bodyguard ever. 
