The Floor is my Friend

Theatres is one area where you can't avoid manual lifting.
Our equipment is heavy
Our patients are people sized
We turn them from side to side
We hold limbs in the air for cleaning and nerve blocks
We slide them from beds to trolleys and back again.

It takes a toll.

My partner used to laugh at me when we started dating and say that I only came to visit so I could lay on floor.
To be honest, as I was figuring out how best to protect my posture, floors were my absolute best friend.
A quick kiss hello followed by the dumping of my bag and coat before I launched myself down to the floor. A loud groan followed by the sharp clicks as my back realigned. 

This was met with a goodnatured rolling of eyes, followed by my partner kneeling on the ground to press along my spine and get the last few clicks out.

Bestest job in the world, for sure!

