My first instance of meeting a celebrity in the workplace, did not work out quite like you'd expect.
As an important note, I detest mornings. I make it a habit of stating I am not a early bird or a night owl, I am an afternoon pigeon. This personal preference does not mesh well with my work schedules as you can imagine. So let me introduce you to my best friend, Coffee.
Before coffee and I have our morning hugs, my brain only runs on basic and emergency settings. The subtle nuances of social communication are quite simply beyond me.
On this particular morning I was in the queue for the coffee bar, my single minded determination was focused on making this important elixir of social-competence. But alas! There is a person standing in front of me. I stare attempting to understand how there can be an obstruction to my all-encompassing goal. Then it clicks, I can communicate and get them to move!
"Excuse me..." I ask,
"I'm sorry, I'm not giving autographs right now." They respond terse, but not unkind.
This stuns me. I don't get it, I can't even formulate a response. It's all I can do to stare in complete bafflement.
They sigh, obviously misreading my confusion, "Look, I'm sorry. It's been a rough night, I didn't mean to be rude. Here, do you have something for me to sign?"
If anything, I probably look even more dumbfounded. Instead of trying to process the situation my brain can only revert back to it's original goal.
"Umm, can you please pass the sugar?"
It's their turn to stare, passing the requested item. I remember to say thank you and tell them to have a nice day, mentally high-fiving myself with an 'nailed-it' in socialising.
It's only a bit later when my brain fully turns on that I realise who they were.
As an important note, I detest mornings. I make it a habit of stating I am not a early bird or a night owl, I am an afternoon pigeon. This personal preference does not mesh well with my work schedules as you can imagine. So let me introduce you to my best friend, Coffee.
Before coffee and I have our morning hugs, my brain only runs on basic and emergency settings. The subtle nuances of social communication are quite simply beyond me.
On this particular morning I was in the queue for the coffee bar, my single minded determination was focused on making this important elixir of social-competence. But alas! There is a person standing in front of me. I stare attempting to understand how there can be an obstruction to my all-encompassing goal. Then it clicks, I can communicate and get them to move!
"Excuse me..." I ask,
"I'm sorry, I'm not giving autographs right now." They respond terse, but not unkind.
This stuns me. I don't get it, I can't even formulate a response. It's all I can do to stare in complete bafflement.
They sigh, obviously misreading my confusion, "Look, I'm sorry. It's been a rough night, I didn't mean to be rude. Here, do you have something for me to sign?"
If anything, I probably look even more dumbfounded. Instead of trying to process the situation my brain can only revert back to it's original goal.
"Umm, can you please pass the sugar?"
It's their turn to stare, passing the requested item. I remember to say thank you and tell them to have a nice day, mentally high-fiving myself with an 'nailed-it' in socialising.
It's only a bit later when my brain fully turns on that I realise who they were.
Well?? Who were they?